Sunday, March 16, 2025

MY TURN: To the Honorable Sens. Jim Risch and Mike Crapo

by ED LOCKWOOD/Guest Opinion
| January 23, 2025 1:00 AM

Senators are now evaluating President Trump’s nominees for federal offices. Sen. Risch said many interesting things in a recent news interview that bear on that process. 

When he said, “the world’s on fire,” believe him. Sen. Risch receives regular classified intelligence briefings as a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He meets with global leaders. He understands the importance of steady, sober and competent American leadership in a dangerous world. 

Sen. Crapo, too, has classified information from the Senate Finance Committee. He oversaw banking, health care and international trade policies. He understands the needs for stability in our financial system and our agricultural communities.  

Sen. Risch also said that President Trump gets the “benefit of the doubt” when appointing people. Ask both senators how often they refused Joe Biden that same grace on his nominees.  

Respectfully, senators, you each have an independent Constitutional duty under Article II, Section 2 to earnestly evaluate all nominees that come before you. You must apply your considerable knowledge and independent judgment on each nominee.  

Sen. Risch knows the Constitution. He knows the Founders expected more of senators than a passive, “I’ll vote for whoever you put up,” when they wrote the advise-and-consent clause in the Constitution. 

Sen. Risch also knows how to handle people who offer feeble, evasive answers to straightforward questions. He was the Ada County prosecuting attorney for many terms and a successful trial attorney after that. He never allowed a slippery witness to escape answering his questions. 

So, senators, please perform your Constitutional duty. You each took an oath to do so. Your constituents back home will expect you to explain your votes on each nominee you consider.   

May I suggest “I’m simply doing whatever the president wants” is neither a satisfactory answer, nor fulfillment of your sacred oath. 

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Ed Lockwood is a Coeur d’Alene resident.