MY TURN: Accountability in law enforcement: Fireworks
“Police accountability involves holding both individual police officers, as well as law enforcement agencies responsible for effectively delivering basic services of crime control and maintaining order, while treating individuals fairly and within the bounds of law.” This statement appears on the Kootenai County Sheriff’s website.
Sheriff Bob Norris has been very successful in dealing with law enforcement as it has to do with the fentanyl crisis and holding public meetings regularly to keep us informed on many issues including his recent article of saying “no arrests” during disaster emergencies. In one paragraph he went on to say that Idaho statute 31-2202 is clear that the sheriff is vested with enforcing, or NOT enforcing, all statutes of Idaho code. In researching this statute which consists of 10 duties of the sheriff, there is no mention as to NOT enforcing Idaho statutes. This is confusing. Why would any law enforcement agency not adhere to their duties? Clearly the “disaster emergency plan” needs to be amended to remove this verbiage regarding arrests being made.
In 2023, Sheriff Norris supported enforcement of illegal fireworks. The Coeur d'Alene Police Department’s website claims they have increased enforcement efforts and addressed concerns about noise and potential harm to pets and combat war veterans. However, after New Years Eve illegal fireworks flared in the skies, exactly how many citations/arrests were made? Three recent Coeur d'Alene Press opinions expressed the lack of enforcement.
Idaho has various existing laws against illegal fireworks.
TITLE 39, HEALTH AND SAFETY, CHAPTER 26, FIREWORKS, 39-2612. ENFORCEMENT. This chapter shall be enforced by the “department, cities, counties, fire protection districts or other law enforcement agencies of the state." According to these laws, aerial fireworks, such as bottle rockets, skyrockets, Roman candles, firecrackers, missiles, parachutes, sky flyers and display shells are illegal to shoot off in Idaho. These types of fireworks are prohibited because they pose a significant risk of starting wildfires and causing injuries.
Section 39-2605 of the Idaho Code pertains to the permit requirements for public displays or other events involving fireworks. Permits are distributed by our Coeur d'Alene fire inspectors Craig Etherton and/or Bobby Gonder. The public should be made aware of a list of permits issued for fireworks. Call Coeur d'Alene City Fire Department at 208-777-8500.
TITLE 18, CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS, CHAPTER 59, PUBLIC NUISANCES 18-5901. Anything which is injurious to health, or is indecent, or offensive to the senses, or an obstruction to the free use of property, so as to interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property is a public nuisance.
The CITY OF COEUR D’ALENE POLICE DEPARTMENT, Code Enforcement, “is committed to working with residents in a joint effort to preserve and improve our neighborhoods, open spaces and business corridors. By doing so, we not only improve the quality of life for our families and visitors, we also protect the appearance and safety of our community.” Contact Police Chief Lee White and ask why there has been no enforcement on illegal fireworks: phone: 208-769-2320, fax: 208-769-2307, 3818 Schreiber Way, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815.
Each year the soccer field at Dalton Avenue and Mountain Vista in Coeur d’Alene is ablaze with fireworks that reach an altitude of 50 feet or more. These are extremely loud bomb-like sounds. This neighborhood is relatively quiet and dog friendly. Animal Control encourages pet owners to “sedate” their pets. Instead, we need to “sedate” the illegal activity and ask Sheriff Norris why we continue to be burdened by illegal fireworks. KOOTENAI COUNTY SHERIFF ROBERT NORRIS, 5500 N. Government Way, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, phone: 208-446-1300, fax: 208-446-1308
Christie Wood and Dan Gookin considering “firework zones for legal fireworks” will not curb the illegal fireworks.
As stated in Title 39 Health & Safety, enforcement duties are performed by cities, counties and fire districts. Let’s hold all of them accountable NOW to ensure we don’t have any more houses burn down, children in the ER, the sedation of our pets and disturbances of the peace. After the 2024 July 4 fireworks, I sent letters to all of the above entities. No one replied! We need to get some enforcement in place prior to July 4, 2025.
TITLE 19 CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CHAPTER 6 ARREST, BY WHOM AND HOW MADE 19-604. A private person may arrest another for a public offense committed or attempted in his presence. Do we really need to resort to enforcing the law ourselves?
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JoAnn Lokken is a Coeur d'Alene resident.