Saturday, January 04, 2025

MY TURN: A different view of the Democrats' plan

by BARRY McELMURRY/Guest Opinion
| January 2, 2025 1:00 AM

Mr. Koch asks, "What 'is the Democrats plan.'" Those of us who only listen to what they say have a radically different view from those of us who watch what they actually do.

A few examples: "We need to confront and overcome the Trump administration." Never mind that it was the will of the voters to elect Trump after the last four years; the voters don't know what's good for them. They led a "Resistance" designed to thwart the will of the voters from 2016 to 2020, and talked of doing it again this time. He alleges that Trump wants to deprive us of our freedoms; apparently forgetting that it is Democrats that gave us the cancel culture, censorship, labeling concerned parents as domestic terrorists, weaponizing the "justice department" against opponents, ignoring the rule of law by choosing which ones to ignore and setting a double standard of justice in which opponents get indicted and supporters get a pass. He talks glowingly of DEI, but the party corrupts the idea by insisting these are more important than merit, by excluding all whose opinions differ, and offering certain groups special privileges. Equity should only mean equity under the law, not equality of outcomes regardless of merit. These tactics resemble those of early Naziism.

He claims Tump hasn't been clear about his intentions. That's rich, since he has disclosed far more about what he will work for than any Democrat candidate. All we got from Obama for eight years was "Hope and change." Strangely the questions of what they were hoping for or what changes they wanted never were asked or answered. Harris never offered us anything. In particular, Trump has said that he opposes a national abortion ban. He has promised no terrible things, unless increased energy production, strengthening domestic industry, protecting Social Security, strengthening the economy and lowering taxes are all terrible. They claim to be the defenders of democracy, but their candidate was chosen without any votes.

The Democrat party is truly in disarray until it can admit they were mistaken about what the voters want. Until then, the stream of lies and hypocrisy will continue. Does anyone really believe we can change the birth sex of an individual? Or that parents have no right to know that their children are assuming another gender? They have subverted the need to represent their constituency to the need to win at all costs. In my view, they should be disqualified from any office until they can admit that the voters matter more their agenda. Their more famous lies include "Biden is as sharp as a tack," "the border is secure," the "Afghan evacuation was a success." It is clear that their contempt for the voters motivated these lies.

Bill Maher summed it up perfectly "The Democrat party has become aggressively opposed to common sense." 

As far as their "plan" is concerned, we can probably expect a continuing flood of lies and hypocrisy, accompanied by contempt for voters' opinions.

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Barry McElmurry is a Coeur d'Alene resident.