GIVERS: Stunt was in bad taste
Maybe I am way off but the fake disability wheelchair and homeless people stunt at WINCO by Tim Remington and John Padula of Altar Church was offensive to me. People who give to the Kettle or the homeless or a deserving charity do NOT expect to be tricked or rewarded. This whole stunt is repulsive parading as something they are not. I have had three homeless females living in their cars near the Kroc. Leaving an anonymous card with money on a windshield is selfless. Keeping an eye on them by the neighbors and Kroc personnel is selfless.
Grandstanding as a photo op is not, and I am sad that Coeur d’Alene Press thinks it should be celebrated. I also wonder how your tithes are spent at Altar? People give what they can, when they can expecting nothing in return. You just distorted that selfless act into a false representation.
Coeur d’Alene