Marina decision handed down in favor of Templin's expansion
POST FALLS — The expansion of Red Lion Templin's Hotel on the Spokane River received the OK from the Idaho Bureau of Lands on Feb. 14.
The decision clears the way for Stancraft to expand a commercial marina, reconfigure existing fuel lines and build a new ship store on the Spokane River.
Post Falls residents Scott and Sheryl Scofield, Jose Jara and Dick Teich filed for an administrative hearing to contest the proposal, objecting to the additional boat slips.
The Marina 33 expansion would add 127 slips to the Templin’s holdings.
Sheryl Scofield called the final order “a great loss for the people of Post Falls, Coeur d’Alene and Kootenai County.”
She said residents have 30 days after Feb. 14 when the final order was issued to appeal the decision.
Residents against the marina expansion, which was filed through 414 PF Hospitality, LLC, held a meeting Feb. 8 at the Post Falls Library to discuss the recommended order.
Nelson Erickson of StanCraft said the company has no comment on the application moving forward at this time.
Administrative Law Judge Merrit Dublin of the Office of Administrative Hearings oversaw the public hearing Dec. 19, while the final order was made by Dustin Miller of Idaho Department of Lands.
Miller’s order stated that the requests for exceptions were denied and application for encroachment permit was approved.
414 PF Hospitality needs to enter into the required submerged land lease, develop a comprehensive traffic control plan for accessing the marina, ship store and fuel dispensers that ensures public safety. They must also develop a plan for demolition in consultation with the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, the order said.