Thursday, March 13, 2025

CELLPHONES: They have become a crutch

| February 5, 2025 1:00 AM

Regarding the Cellphone Petition to "allow" them to be used at lunch, on breaks, etc., just not "in the classroom" as opposed to NOT AT SCHOOL.   

One of the most egregious issues with cellphones is the inability for young adults to converse, disagree coherently and calmly (eg: debate from memory) as the ubiquitous cellphone has become a crutch that morphs into a disability as life skills disappear into a screen. No Phones in School at all. It makes the job of teachers and administration much easier: if the phone is there, it is confiscated. Do not allow it from start to end of School. Ideally no child under 14 (16) would have a "smart" phone as the phone remains "smart" and the child becomes less intelligent as they become dependent on their "smart" companion.


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