Saturday, September 28, 2024

MY TURN: Proposition 1: A realistic solution for all Idahoans

by KENNETH W. BURCHELL/Guest Opinion
| September 28, 2024 1:00 AM

In Idaho, we pride ourselves on fairness and justice; and making sure every voice is heard.  

Proposition 1, the Open Primaries Initiative, ensures these values are reflected in our elections. Today over 275,000 Idaho tax-paying voters are denied the right to vote under our taxpayer-funded system because they're independent voters. They pay the tax, but they’re shut out of the primaries. This will end with the passage of Proposition 1.  

There is a lot of misinformation being spread by those who fear Proposition 1.  

Ask yourself; what is it that they are so afraid of? Could it be the loss of party control and an increase in the influence of Idaho voters? Is it the fact that with instant run-off (sometimes called ranked-choice) voting, candidates will be required to obtain at least 51% of the vote for election? What if Idaho voters had more confidence in our elections? What if the majority believed their vote counted? Wouldn’t that be great?  

They say it’s a Democrat plot. That’s literally laughable. 54% of the signers in Kootenai County were Republicans. I’m one of them. This initiative has strong bipartisan support. 

They claim it will Californicate Idaho. What an awful thing to say. And it is laughable, too. Proposition 1 is based on the Alaska system — nothing to do with California — and if you pay close attention, many of the loudest opponents are newcomers to this state. Some are even from … gasp … California!   

They claim the new system will be expensive. States and localities all across the country have already shown that the one-time cost to change over is small. In Maine, a state with a population just a bit smaller than Idaho’s, the cost was $441,804, which comes out to about 50 cents per voter. In Utah, more than a dozen cities have adopted these measures with only a low-cost software upgrade. Compare that to the millions lost to the taxpayers by frivolous lawsuits filed by our State Attorney General, a loud opponent of Prop 1. Gosh … could there be a connection here? 

Proposition 1 is about restoring fairness to our elections. By ensuring all voters — regardless of party affiliation — can participate in our elections, we can make certain elected officials accountable to all of us.  

Join me in voting for Proposition 1 and ensuring Idaho’s elections reflect the will of Idaho’s citizens.  

If you want to study more, there’s good information at

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Kenneth W. Burchell is a Coeur d’Alene resident.