Wednesday, September 25, 2024

CLN: Conservative state of Idaho in jeopardy

| September 25, 2024 1:00 AM

We are under attack North Idaho!

The letter called, Locking up Books and signed by none other than Evan Koch and the likes of Len Mattei to substantiate their remorseful letter is no surprise.

If conservatives do not start speaking out as one gentleman did, and said he was going to close out his 30-year subscription if this liberal paper did not stop the liberal gibberish he would cancel. What did the editors do? They doubled down.

Mr. Hanley and trustees you must keep on doing what you are doing. They want to takeover North Idaho and make it destructively blue. The very soul of our conservative state is in jeopardy. If people do not start speaking out we will lose our state as we know and love it. Call Hagadone president and write to this paper.

You must protect the children from “smut” because they will not. They think you do not have the good judgement they do.

We do not want this state to become like every liberal run state. California, New York, Illinois and others. That’s the kind of values they have!

God bless your efforts,


Coeur d’Alene