Sunday, September 22, 2024

DEMOCRATS: Part of hypocrisy

| September 22, 2024 1:00 AM

Hypocrisy much?

In a recent My Turn article, “Locking up Books,” the plethora of authors who wrote it would suggest that all of sudden they are concerned with censorship.

Most of the authors, if not all, are well-known patrons to the ideology and hypocrisy of the Democrat Party. A party whose platform mission statement should include the words “Oh what a tangled web we weave….”, and you know the rest.

In their article they state…

“It suggests that some knowledge or perspectives are too dangerous to be freely available, which is a slippery slope toward censorship and the suppression of ideas. This approach not only insults the intelligence and responsibility of parents” (adults)….

Who else remembers that it wasn’t to long ago when their preferred party and chosen authoritarian candidates encouraged big tech companies to censor anything and anyone not beholding to the party line regarding COVID?

They also support the very party that wants to set up a “Misinformation/disinformation Czar” within the halls of government.

The very same party and platform that wants to censor free speech and make it a hate crime if you get the preferred pronouns wrong.

Democrat hypocrisy is obvious, blatant and like Kamala, they flip flop and change their tune simply to gain your emotional support.

Never forget, just a few short years ago, they believed YOU weren’t intelligent enough and were giddy over the prospect of censorship and government control of ideas and information.

Hypocrisy much?

All the time for democrats.

