Sunday, September 22, 2024

CLN: Blame prior trustees

| September 22, 2024 1:00 AM

In the interest of balance and transparency, the Coeur d’Alene Press, when it does its frequent hit pieces on the current Community Library Network board, should inform the public of the following: 1. It was the prior board that got the CLN over $200K in the red, making it necessary for the current board to tighten spending. 2. Several of those crying “fascism” and posing as “free speech” champions are donors to the party of Big-Tech censorship and public/private collusion (a core component of actual fascism), a la Mark Zuckerberg et al. 3. Excerpts from the so-called “banned books” should be re-printed by The Press in all their glory so your readers can understand exactly the kind of materials these people are defending. For ideas, go to 


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