Sunday, September 22, 2024

American Revolution patriots honored in Coeur d'Alene ceremony

Staff Writer | September 22, 2024 1:09 AM

COEUR d’ALENE — A new landmark was unveiled at Independence Point on Lake Coeur d’Alene.  

A stone marker and plaque in honor of Revolutionary War patriots was dedicated Saturday morning in front of over 50 attendees. The Brassx5 Band also performed, and local Boy Scouts acted as color guards.  

The project was sponsored by the Daughters of the American Revolution Lt. George Farragut Chapter, Plesantview Chapter and Wild Horse Trail Chapter. 

Established in 1890, DAR is a non-political women’s service organization that has over 900 members throughout Idaho.  

Councilor Christie Wood spoke at Saturday’s event as a representative of Coeur d’Alene Mayor Woody McEvers.  

“The journey toward this historic milestone is an opportunity to reflect on our nation’s past, honor the contributions of all Americans, and look ahead to future generations who will carry forward the ideals of democracy and individual liberty that make the U.S. a unique nation in the world community,” Wood said.  

Though much of American Revolution history took place on the East Coast, Wood reminded attendees that “the state of Idaho was founded by the Civil War generation.”  

Deborah Mitchell, a member of the Lt. George Farragut Chapter and America 250, also gave remarks as the marker was unveiled.  

“Nothing is really ended until it is truly forgotten,” Mitchell said. “Whatever is kept in memory will still endure ... may this marker help to keep alive what is special of this history.”