Friday, September 20, 2024

PROP 1: Safeguards our freedoms

| September 20, 2024 1:00 AM

In a truly democratic society, every voter deserves the freedom to choose the candidate who best represents their values and interests, regardless of party affiliations. Prop 1 stands as a crucial step toward safeguarding this freedom by implementing an nonpartisan general election process. By allowing voters to select from the top four candidates, Prop 1 ensures that the election is not distorted by party politics, thereby providing a clearer and more honest reflection of voter preferences. This change will not only empower independent voters but also reduce the prevalence of misinformation and confusion surrounding candidates’ policies. Ultimately, Prop 1 is essential for achieving a fairer, more transparent electoral system that prioritizes the will of the people and ensures that the most qualified leaders are elected, regardless of their party connections. Vote YES for Prop 1!


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