Friday, September 20, 2024

ELECTIONS: Vote for water

| September 20, 2024 1:00 AM

I don’t know how any of you are going to vote, but I am voting for water. Yes water, the kind you drink, shower with, water your lawn with and flush your toilet with. You know that clear refreshing life giving stuff we all take for granted.

When I moved here 22 years ago Post Falls was rationing water due to the threat of the aquifer, yet they were still building more homes. Well since that time thousands more homes and tens of thousands more people have moved here to share that same water. Is the aquifer still endangered? Probably, but the politicians and city fathers, city councils, and planning departments don’t seem worried. By some miracle is there more water available for all of us? I doubt it. Maybe those in control care more about tax base monies and the possible profits from all this growth than the water that keeps all life as we know it alive.

So I am voting for all those people that want to restrict growth and save our little slice of paradise. I am voting out with the old and in with the new. The existing people talk and talk and talk about growth — but do nothing about it. It is time for a change. I really don’t care how many years you have known the existing candidates or what great people they are. Without water this paradise will turn into a desert. Water equals life no water equals death.

