Friday, September 20, 2024

CLN: Libraries exist for intellectual liberty

| September 20, 2024 1:00 AM

I am deeply concerned about the actions of the Community Library Network Board, which have included wasting funds and laying off essential employees. In my hometown of Post Falls, liberty was once cherished, but now it seems different.

Libraries exist to foster intellectual liberty and provide access to diverse resources, including non-traditional materials like films, games and telescopes. The primary goal of the library is to ensure value provided to all users. Not all materials will align with your specific tastes, nor should they. If something doesn’t circulate, the library won’t buy similar items again. Plass’s demand for increased surveillance suggests a concerning shift toward censorship. The library board shouldn’t limit knowledge access or use scare tactics to restrict learning. Diverse idea exploration is a crucial part of democracy.

Libraries serve as vital community resources: offering safe spaces, meeting rooms, computers, internet access and support for parents. Adults deserve the freedom to choose library materials for them and their families without obstacles. This makes the removal of unrestricted children’s cards particularly alarming. How can the board claim to know better than parents about what is suitable for their children?

Engaging with the board is crucial to safeguard against First Amendment violations and financial risks, even as they never seem to listen. As a native Idahoan, I am deeply concerned about the transformation of our state from one that was renowned for its freedoms to one that is determined to curtail liberty. We must protect our libraries from these destructive actions.


Post Falls