Thursday, September 19, 2024

VOTING: Two issues of importance

| September 18, 2024 1:00 AM

Once again in today’s paper (Sept. 11) I see the destruction the current trustees of the CLN have wreaked upon our library system. This requires us as taxpayers to vote in November (or whenever) to remove those trustees who are destroying our libraries. Be careful voters for whom you vote.

The other voting caution I raise is the hidden voting destruction in the proposed Prop 1. This would provide ranked choice voting. Ask anyone from Alaska how that worked for them. They are now trying to remove it from their system as the results were counter to the majority of voters’ intentions. This destructive system, if adopted in Idaho, would create results counter to common sense and the majority of the voters’ intentions and desires. 

Be cautious when you vote not to be misled by propaganda. Vote for the result that builds up our libraries and reflects your intentions. 

