Thursday, September 19, 2024

Please stand by for technical difficulties

| September 18, 2024 1:00 AM

As luck would have it, an internet service outage occurred with my provider early Tuesday afternoon. My drop-dead deadline to file this column for Wednesday is 5 p.m. Tuesday. 

While my full column is written on my desktop computer, there it sits, unable to be sent by deadline.

So with minutes to spare, I was able to recreate the Main Street Birthdays and file those via cellphone.

I love technology and deadlines, said no writer ever.

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Happy Main Street Birthdays today to Brad Peugh, Ellen Delavan, Jaimee Cox, Eric Benjamin, John Holm, Jennifer Schroeder and Debra Smart. Tomorrow, Rich Kempton, Kara Fredekind, Debbie Sala, Jeanne Wright, Brock Morrow, Marshall Baltzell and Karen Lindbergh do the birthday dance. Hank Martin, John Stevens, Craig Brosenne, Haley Walker, Joe Roope and George Balling celebrate Friday. Happy last day of summer birthdays Saturday to Katherine Ekhoff, Stacy Hudson, Dina Hourland, Cliff Slaney and Haley Walker. Happy first day of autumn birthday Sunday to Dorinda Thurman (75!), Jerry Lyon, Vic Slater, Amy Reagan, Scott Livingston, Rosalyn Martin, George Beebe and my baby sister, Ronna Rankin Park. On Monday, Laura King, Autumn Hanson, Craig Owens, Wendy Young, Patty Kilcup, Stacie McGrath, David Thompson, Sue Enright, Brian Harris, Denise Bechel and Madeline Singleton blow out the candles. Father and son Charles Alexander and Scott Alexander share a birthday with Tracey Vaughn, Debbie Michalak, Justin Capaul, Steve Evert, Dorothy Benoit, Carlena Shove and Cathy Schaede on Sept. 24.

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Kerri Rankin Thoreson is a member of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists and the former publisher of the Post Falls Tribune. Main Street appears every Wednesday in The Press and Kerri can be contacted on Facebook or via email