Friday, September 20, 2024

ELECTION: Yes, you are voting for Trump

| September 18, 2024 1:00 AM

In a recent attempt to convince himself he was voting for American values rather than a con man, a reader listed 18 reasons he is voting for Trump.

Here is a list of people who know and worked with the 34 time convicted felon Donald Trump. One could assume they know A-LOT more than our ill informed neighbor. These Americans have came out publicly and will not be supporting the con man in November. 

• Vice President Mike Pence

• His 2nd Attorney General Bill Barr

• His 1st and 2nd Secretaries of Defense James Mattis and Mark Esper

• Chairman of Joint Chiefs Mark Milley

• His 1st Secretary of State Rex Tillerson

• His 2nd and 3rd National Security Advisors HR McMaster and John Bolton

• His first Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer

• His Homeland Security Advisor Tom Bossert

• His former acting and 2nd Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney and John Kelly

• Communication directors Anthony Scarmucci, Stephanie Grisham and Alyssa Griffin

• His Secretary of Education Betsy Devos

• His Secretary of Transportation Elain Chao… Just to name a few.

I think these 20 or so people know something about our neighbors 18 concerns.

Republicans have had since 2016 to stand up to the hate and bigotry and have failed our country miserably.   

So come November, the future of our country will not forget. When people are voting for Trump, it is not a vote for his make believe “concept” policies but rather a vote for a con man… nothing more.


Coeur d’Alene

Not a Bomer