Thursday, September 19, 2024

WOLF LODGE: Remembered from abroad

| September 13, 2024 1:00 AM

Four years ago, while my wife and I were driving throughout Europe in a rented car, we decided to visit an unknown castle to us outside Munich, off the normal road path.

Country driving is the best way for us to visit any country. We do not remember the city or name of the castle. We purchased the tickets to see the castle and was told to go upstairs and see the tour guide.

We encountered two gentlemen and asked which one is the tour guide? Both said “We are here to visit the castle also.”

One of the men said “Where are you both from?” I said “Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, USA.” They both said together “the Wolf Lodge, best steak house! We’ve been there, it’s great!”

Such a small world!

By the way, the two men were from England, and we’ve told this story many, many times!

