Friday, September 20, 2024

VOTE: No on Prop 1

| September 13, 2024 1:00 AM

One Person, One Vote

I keep reading that Proposition 1 is the Open Primaries initiative but from my understanding, open primary is only one part of the initiative. Ranked choice voting is the second part of the initiative. You won’t have an open primary without ranked choice voting according to Proposition 1. I want one person, one vote. Our current election system counts all the votes once and the candidate with the most votes wins. My vote counts! However, ranked choice voting violates one person, one vote. If after the first count, one candidate doesn’t reach 50+1%, a computer is used to reallocate votes by dropping the loser’s earned votes and recalculating second choice votes. How can I have confidence that my vote counts? Or how can you? Ranked choice voting could allow a candidate with more 2nd or 3rd choice votes to win rather than the candidate with the most 1st choice votes. Confused? Does this make sense? Vote NO on Proposition 1!

