PRESIDENT: Who to vote for?
Many people are confused about how to vote. Trump haters would not vote for him if he was running against the devil. Conversely, Harris haters would vote for the devil rather than her.
So how do you decide? There is no question the public can not get actual truth from the news media, who only believe one way. Conversely other conservative news believes the other way.
I believe there is one test that might help you. Which side is for bigger government and which side is for limited government.
It is believed that most people yearn for freedom, yet, I believe most people yearn to be taken care of. That is the difference between socialism and a limited government. One side takes care of you from birth to death and the other side you decide what is best for you and your family.
Please ignore the debates, both sides are going to praise their own sides. Try to forget your own personal bias, if that is even possible. Ask yourself the question, do you want to take care of yourself and family or let the government do it for you?
For me and my family I think I know what’s best, how about you?
Coeur d’Alene
Vietnam Veteran