Friday, September 20, 2024

'Bear Fair' slated at Boundary County Fairgrounds

| September 12, 2024 1:00 AM

If you live in North Idaho, you live in bear country, plain and simple. North Idaho is home to both black and grizzly bears, and living and recreating safely in their midst requires intentionality and specific training and skills.

To help with this, Idaho Fish and Game is happy to offer a free “North Idaho Bear Fair” at the Boundary County Fairgrounds on Sept. 28 from noon to 4 p.m.

The event is free. Food will be provided, and folks can enter to win prizes.

During the event, participants will:

• Receive bear spray training using inert bear spray canisters on Fish and Game’s remote-controlled charging grizzly bear. Anyone who participates in the bear spray training will receive a free canister of bear spray while supplies last.

• Learn the basics of how to protect livestock, chicken coops, animals and beehives with electric fencing.

• Have the opportunity to use a large cider press to make fresh apple cider. Please bring your own apples and containers.

• Learn about Fish and Game’s livestock carcass pick-up program.

• Learn about safely camping in bear country.

• And much more!