Thursday, January 02, 2025

SCHOOL LEVY: Vote yes for safe schools

| October 30, 2024 1:00 AM

On Nov. 5, our community will go to the ballot box to vote on a crucial levy for our public schools.  

The essential maintenance and operations levy funds 25% of our schools’ budget that the state of Idaho fails to fund. This levy supports extracurricular activities, classroom aides, school security officers, school nurses, curriculum and much more. Without the passage of this levy we can say goodbye to safety officers roaming our school hallways, fall soccer games, award winning student drama, technical education at KTEC, AP coursework and special education services. Our schools would be a ghost of what they are today.

A yes vote on Nov. 5 guarantees a continued exemplary public education in Coeur d’Alene schools. Our district has one of the lowest levy rates in the state while our schools rank near the top in the state of Idaho. A yes vote ensures our kids attend safe schools. A yes vote sends a strong message to our community that we value our children. A yes vote supports a strong and vibrant public education system. Be an informed, educated voter. Vote yes for our kids and schools on Nov. 5. 

