Thursday, January 02, 2025

ENDORSEMENT: Vote for Peterson

| October 30, 2024 1:00 AM

Russ Fulcher wanted us to believe that increased IRS staffing last year would increase taxes for working Americans. The purpose of the funding was to investigate the super-rich who hide their money to avoid paying the taxes they owe. The increased IRS staff has recovered more than $300,000 PER AUDITED PERSON in unpaid taxes. Russ Fulcher did not want to fund this new program, he preferred the old one that benefitted his political friends.

Russ Fulcher opposed The PACT Act which addressed health concerns resulting from burn pits and Agent Orange. These medical conditions are destroying military families. It’s our responsibility to take care of these medically fragile Americans. The reason Fulcher gave for voting no was the cost! Congressman, how much do you expect our military to give?

Recently, Congressman Fulcher submitted a letter asking President Biden to address Fentanyl issues. Fulcher did not bother to mention that the Bipartisan Border Bill would have helped this situation by increasing border funding, increasing the number of border patrol agents and providing drones. Why did Congressman Fulcher vote against a bill that addressed his Fentanyl concerns?

It’s time for new blood. Idaho needs a congress member who will represent the VOTERS of Idaho instead of their political friends. Kaylee Peterson wants campaign finance reform, term limits and to restore a sense of civility. Kaylee is concerned about giving power to Idaho voters. She cares about working class people, veterans, fentanyl problems, improving health care and saving women’s lives. That’s why I am voting for Kaylee Peterson for Congress.


Coeur d’Alene