Thursday, January 02, 2025

ENDORSEMENT: Vote for Durbin, Knudtsen, Havercroft

| October 30, 2024 1:00 AM

North Idaho Republicans enthusiastically support and endorse three highly capable Republicans for North Idaho College (NIC) Board of Trustees:  Rick Durbin, Eve Knudtsen and Mary Havercroft — three candidates who embody the true spirit of conservative values, personal responsibility, and hard work. They also recognize the vital importance of NIC in developing the workforce for our future and the significant positive impact the college has on our local community and economy.

Over the past few years, we have seen the serious damage caused by the KCRCC-endorsed trustee majority of Banducci, McKenzie and Waggoner — with chaos, millions of taxpayer dollars wasted, and a very real and serious threat to accreditation with the possible closure of NIC. Now is the time to restore integrity and leadership to our college. Now is the time to change course and elect a new team of trustees, a team of trusted and responsible leaders. 

“Knudtsen, Havercroft and Durbin are competent, conservative and represent the longstanding values of our community. As longtime residents they understand the role and importance of the college and will work collaboratively with students, staff and the community. They are all about quality education, not political theater, which will bring much needed change to the Board of Trustees and give confidence to the accreditation commission that the college is on the right track,” said Luke Russell one of the founders of North Idaho Republicans.  

Vote all three to support NIC:  

• Zone 3: Rick Durbin 

• Zone 4: Eve Knudtsen 

• Zone 5: Mary Havercroft