Saturday, October 26, 2024

MY TURN: A Renaissance at North Idaho College

by MIKE WAGGONER/Guest Opinion
| October 26, 2024 1:00 AM

I’m writing this as a personal opinion, not as part of my official NIC role. 

With a conservative majority board, North Idaho College (NIC) has just emerged from difficult times with a stunning turnaround that's setting the stage for a great future. After grappling with threats to its accreditation and a worrying dip in enrollment, NIC is now riding a wave of impressive advancements. This isn't just progress; it's a renaissance. Enrollment numbers are climbing, accreditation challenges are being tackled head-on and the campus atmosphere buzzes with renewed vigor. NIC isn't just surviving; it's thriving, well poised to maintain its status as a beacon of education in the region.

Background Context: Drawing from my experience in corporate leadership, where I designed the transformation of a 24,500-strong workforce in a Fortune 500 giant, my insights into NIC are sharpened by a legacy of driving monumental change. This wasn't just about keeping the company afloat; it was about igniting a revolution in efficiency and culture. My hands-on experience in high-stakes restructuring has equipped me with a unique perspective on the organizational evolution and resilience of NIC. 

The Need for Change at NIC: With nearly a century of legacy, North Idaho College stood at a crossroads where tradition met the pressing call for transformation. Like many venerable institutions, NIC was ripe for a significant shift, a renaissance not just desired but demanded for its very survival. Change, as inevitable as it is often opposed, was the lifeline NIC needed. 

Three years back, a wind of change swept through NIC with the election of a conservative-led board of trustees, featuring visionaries like Greg McKenzie and Michael Barnes. They stepped in at a critical juncture when enrollment was spiraling downwards, marking a 12-year streak of 3-6% annual declines. These new board members didn't just tweak the edges; they made audacious moves, reshaping the college's direction. Their decisive actions set the stage for an even stronger conservative wave two years on, signaling not just a change in policy but a revolution in how NIC would face its future. 

Accreditation and Governance: The accreditation saga at NIC has turned into a battleground for excellence and compliance, spotlighting the board’s commitment to revival. Faced with a daunting list of 20 issues from the accrediting body, NIC responded strongly. The board and administration have launched into a strategic overhaul, tackling each problem with precision. Imagine a chart, alive with colors and lines, charting a journey from crisis to commendable progress, with markers edging ever closer to and surpassing, the pivotal benchmark of "average." This transcends mere updates; it's a rebirth of the operational spirit, where processes, long ossified over two decades, are now revitalized, nimble and primed for excellence. 

Enrollment Surge: Here's the headline that's rewriting NIC's future: “A 15% leap in enrollment this year, breaking the long-standing pattern of decline.” This isn't just a number; it's a key metric of resurgence. Growth is blooming across the board — from ambitious high schoolers seizing dual enrollment opportunities, to flourishing programs at the Parker Center in Rathdrum. This widespread upturn reflects success in NIC's strategy to rejuvenate its appeal, showcasing not just recovery but a renaissance fueled by a forward-thinking board, savvy marketing and program innovation. 

Financial Fortitude: NIC stands not just stable but financially vigorous, with its Foundation's endowment swelling to a staggering $45 million. This isn't merely a safety net; it's a springboard, catapulting the college into a future where ambitious projects and enhanced student services aren't just dreams but tangible realities. This financial vigor underpins NIC's promise of growth and excellence. 

Revolution at the Helm: The audacious strategic pivot led by conservative board members Todd Banducci, Greg McKenzie and Michael Barnes sparked a needed evolution at NIC. Initially met with pushback, their resolve has carved a new trajectory for the institution. This wasn't a mere shuffle of roles; it was a radical and re-charted course. Now, with a dynamic board, an energized staff and a committed faculty, NIC isn’t just navigating away from the storm — they're sailing towards a horizon bright with growth and revitalization. 

The Horizon Ahead: NIC's renaissance is a great example of how tradition can embrace transformation to emerge re-invigorated. As NIC forges ahead, it stands on the precipice of not merely continuing this ascent but becoming a beacon of education and community engagement. With programs like Head Start and GED flourishing under its wing, NIC is set to be more than an institution; it's becoming a cornerstone of community empowerment. 

In Closing: This election, a vote for Lyons, McKenzie and Angiletta will ensure NIC's future isn't just hopeful — it's assured, illuminated by a conservative board dedicated to keeping the college directly accountable to the community it serves. NIC is no longer just surviving; it's on the cusp of an exciting new era, promising to enrich work training and education across North Idaho, heralding a new dawn of prosperity and influence. 

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Mike Waggoner is chairman of the North Idaho College board of trustees.