Friday, October 25, 2024

NATIONAL DEBT: Make your vote count

| October 23, 2024 1:00 AM

Thirty-five trillion — and growing.

For a quick review, a million dollars in hundred dollar bills weighs approximately 22 pounds, a billion — 22,000 pounds, a trillion — 22,000,000 pounds, 35 trillion — 770,000,000 pounds, or 385,000 tons of hundred dollar bills.

Three nuclear-powered aircraft carriers weigh 315,000 tons. One thousand Abrams main battle tanks weigh 70,000 tons.

Are you getting the picture of the financial abyss that our elected leaders have dug for future generations?

Then please consider our president from 2016 to 2020, who made our country energy independent, lowered the unemployment rate and actually kept his campaign promises. Is he a perfect human being? Are you? Am I?

Let your vote this November reflect your care and concern for your children and grandchildren, your neighbors, and the workers who carry this burden on their backs with their labors and taxes.

