Saturday, October 19, 2024

VOTING: People of faith should cast their votes

| October 18, 2024 1:00 AM

You could decide!

Research conducted by the “Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University said that 104 million people who fall under the category of people of faith, of which 41 million are Christians and 32 million attend church regularly, will not cast ballots in this election.”

If that is true, I find it appalling that people of faith allow one party to take over without any resistance. Well you say, I don’t like either person, so I am not going to vote. I don’t like the one who tweets all the time and is a terrible public speaker. I don’t like the other one who supported 21 million people coming into this country illegally.

You could make the difference. Where were you 4 years ago and today? The party who claims they are going to make a difference, did they do it the last 4 years? Past performance is a good indicator.

Put all the personal feelings aside. Ask yourself why you have the right to vote? Did all the veterans who fought in wars and died, do it in vain? What price are you willing to pay to keep America a country to be proud off?

Bottom line, if you don’t vote you do a grave injustice to all the veterans who gave up their life so you could have the privilege of voting. If you really are a person of any faith, please take part in our country.


Vietnam Veteran

Coeur d’Alene