Wednesday, October 16, 2024


| October 16, 2024 1:00 AM

Whenever I try a new restaurant, I usually check out Google. I don’t want to spoil the evening with a dud. Before seeing a movie, I consult Fandango or ask a friend if they thought it was good. And those stars on Amazon, do influence my purchases. It helps me decide between two products. Most of the time I am happy with the meal, the movie, and the product because I did a bit of research and took the advice of a trusted friend or source. So, when it is time to vote, I appreciate the input.

I don’t understand all this drama about the KCRCC’s rating and vetting process. I have been happy with their suggestions these past several years. I don’t know why newly elected precinct committeemen want to do away with it. I want it and my friends want it. After a lengthy and transparent procedure, spelled out in a recent My Turn article, the Republican Central Committee produces a recommended candidate and position slate.

While my friends aren’t movie critics, and the person who just loves the portable fire extinguisher is not a first responder, I still value their input. I don’t have a problem with the recommendations for sheriff or commissioner or Prop 1. My Republican principles don’t stop at nonpartisan races.

Rather than trusting the little R behind a candidate’s name, I want to know it stands for a true conservative not a traditional Republican who is really a camouflaged Democrat. I don’t always vote the same way as their recommended list but at least it gives me a place to start.


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