Tuesday, October 22, 2024

MY TURN: Coeur d'Alene school levy questions and answers

| October 16, 2024 1:00 AM

In less than a month, voters inside the Coeur d’Alene School District will be asked to renew the district’s current two-year, $25 million levy. As elected members of the district’s board of trustees, we believe investing in education is one of the most important things we can do for our community. Whether you vote absentee or in person, we encourage you to go to the end of the ballot where the levy renewal question is. Together, we ask you to remember renewing the levy isn’t just about funding; it shapes the future of our children and the values we hold as a community. Over the past several weeks, the board has heard from and talked with folks about the replacement levy. We’d like to answer a few of the questions that continue to come up.

What is a school levy? A school levy is a local tax that helps fund public school expenses and services that state funding does not fully cover.

Why do school districts in Idaho run levies? Most districts in Idaho run levies because, for many like ours, the funding provided by the state falls short of what it costs to fund the programs and services we and our community believe are important to offer students.

What is on the ballot? Whether or not to renew the district’s current two-year, $25 million levy, which expires June 30, 2025.

Is this levy a new tax? Nope. The levy on the November ballot replaces our current levy at the same amount and duration — $25 million for two years. If this levy passes, it will fund the district from July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2027.

You just did budget cuts. Why does the district need more money? State funding for schools in Idaho typically covers basic educational needs. Our current levy provides 25% of the district’s operating budget. Without it, we would have to reduce 25% of our expenses. The budget cuts we made last spring aligned the district’s budget with current student enrollment. Levy funding still covers 25% of the district’s budget, ensuring we have the people, programs, and services necessary to provide students with the best education possible.

Connecting Schools and Community

Every dollar invested in our schools benefits our students and, by extension, our community. Levy dollars fund sports, music, and art; advanced and elective classes; facility improvements; School Resource Officers (SROs); nurses; and mental health staff and services. These people and programs foster well-rounded students who are prepared for life as members of our community. A strong school district nurtures future leaders who are productive citizens and positively impacts property values and community development, benefiting us all.

Local Voices Matter

Elections present us with numerous choices, each with the potential to impact the future of our community. As Idahoans, we value local control and decision-making and we expect to have a voice in decisions that impact us. Every two years, for decades, our community has considered and passed the school levy. This means on a regular basis, voters inside the district get to decide if our schools should receive local funding and, if so, how those dollars are spent. This process is an important part of how schools and communities in Idaho are intertwined.

Our Responsibilities

As trustees, we are a non-partisan group of five elected by our community to ensure our schools offer high-quality education for our children. We are also expected to manage the public funds the district receives. This is an area our community is especially interested in. Each of us is committed to transparency and accountability in financial and all other matters that come before us. Each month we receive financial updates and we work together to ensure our community is informed and engaged on issues impacting our students and schools. The district’s financial reports and yearly budget book are available on the district’s website. With regard to the levy, the district’s replacement levy website is dedicated to providing the public with easy-to-access information. Your trust is paramount, and we want you to know that every levy dollar will be spent thoughtfully and strategically.

A Vision for the Future

Support to renew the levy for another two years means we can continue the forward momentum we have all worked to achieve, especially in the area of academic achievement. Our students are excelling! We rank No. 2 statewide in graduation rate, the Idaho Reading Indicator (IRI), and the Idaho Standards Achievement Test (ISAT). Our teachers and staff are committed to a vision for the future that includes a student-focused, collaborative approach to teaching and learning. This approach represents our collective commitment to high-quality education that prepares our students for bright futures, wherever their journey takes them.

Trustees Smith and McAndrew will be at Person Field in Coeur d’Alene on Saturday, Oct. 19, from 9 to 10 a.m. if you’d like to talk about the levy in person. If you’d like to send a question, please use the form on the levy website or email the board at trustees@cdaschools.org.

We ask you to join us in investing in our schools and in the future of our students. Together, we can ensure our schools remain a cornerstone of our community, fostering growth, innovation, and success.

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Rebecca Smith, chair, and Lesli Bjerke, vice chair, Coeur d’Alene School District board of trustees.