Friday, October 11, 2024

WAR WOUNDS: The trauma inflicted

| October 11, 2024 1:00 AM

The Emotional Trauma that has been inflicted upon the People in a War Zone, is something they will never be able to escape. Throughout the rest of their lives; as they go about their Daily Routines, and when they try to sleep at night; the Images and Sounds, that have been, so violently, imprinted upon their minds, will continue to haunt them.

The sight of their Cities; once so proud and so filled with the Vitality of Life — now reduced to Ashes and Piles of Smoldering Rubble. The wreckage of their own homes, once a place of shelter and security for them — now destroyed and unfit to live in.

The whine of Rockets as they pass over head, and the Sounds of Explosions when they strike nearby; the screams of their Neighbors, Friends, and Relatives; as they are wounded and the blood pours out from their bodies, the Sounds of Crying that continues on throughout the night and never seems to end.

The Hunger and Thirst — The Starvation — that has dominated their thoughts and guided their actions since the War began. The upheaval of their Normal Lives, the Loss of Hope and their Despair for a Better Future; the ruin of everything that had once been cherished and considered to be important.

These are the wounds that will never heal. This is the true cost of our “Military Munitions.” This the Legacy given to Survivors in a War Zone.


Coeur d’Alene