Wednesday, October 09, 2024

MY TURN: Embracing Holistic Wellness: Choosing truth over toxicity

by SANDRA ERVIN/Guest Opinion
| October 9, 2024 1:00 AM

The recent article in The Atlantic that belittles subject matter experts advocating for holistic health and questioning the prevailing health crisis in our country is deeply troubling. It highlights the concerning alignment between mainstream media and influential industries such as big pharma, big agriculture and the medical establishment. It is heartening to see individuals courageously standing up for the well-being of our children and challenging the misinformation that has been perpetuated for far too long. It is time to question the prevailing narratives and lies that have been fed to us, and to support those who are working tirelessly to promote a more informed and holistic approach to health and wellness.

For over two decades, I have dedicated my life to deepening my knowledge of optimal nutrition and the significance of moving our bodies in alignment with their natural design. I have passionately shared my beliefs with anyone willing to listen, emphasizing the harmful effects of processed foods and the presence of chemicals in our water, soil, cleaning products and health care items. It is truly uplifting to witness individuals in positions of influence now raising their voices to address this pressing crisis.

The solution to the prevailing health crisis in our nation can be a straightforward one. It begins with incorporating daily movement into our lives. We have become accustomed to prolonged periods of sitting — whether behind computer screens, in cars or in front of televisions. Simply taking a walk, even a short one around your neighborhood or office, can make a significant difference. Dedicate just 20 minutes each day to stretching your body to counteract all the time sitting. When it comes to nutrition, opt for whole foods with easily recognizable ingredients. Be mindful that any processed foods have detrimental effects on your health. Embrace the healing power of nature and bask in the sun’s rays, as we spend excessive time under artificial lighting. Prioritize quality sleep to allow your body to repair and rejuvenate. Lastly, make space for prayer or meditation in your daily routine for mental and emotional well-being.

We have reached a critical juncture where it is imperative to question the medical establishment and our food providers. The influence of big pharma has permeated the medical industry, prioritizing the perpetuation of prescription medications over genuine healing. In contrast, Eastern medicine emphasizes holistic wellness, viewing the body as a unified entity to be healed comprehensively. It is essential to shift our focus toward identifying the root causes of illnesses rather than merely addressing individual symptoms with temporary solutions. Advocating for our own well-being is paramount. This involves moving away from processed foods and instead supporting local farmers and businesses. We must scrutinize and question the ingredients present in all aspects of our lives, including clean products, health care items and food labels, to make informed choices that align with our health and values. 

Our bodies are divine vessels bestowed upon us by a higher power. We have been abundantly provided for by the grace of God. It is time to return to the essence of simplicity in life. Nourish your body with whole, unprocessed foods. Move your body in alignment with its natural design. Reconnect with the healing power of nature. Dedicate moments to prayer or meditation for inner peace and reflection. Let us reject the narratives propagated by the media and marketing entities. Instead, let us revere our bodies as sacred temples deserving respect and care. Let’s reclaim ownership of our health and collectively strive to revive a culture of well-being. Let’s embark on a journey to restore the health of our nation. If embracing these principles is deemed “woo-woo,” then I wholeheartedly embrace that label. I would much rather be perceived as unconventional than persist in a life marred by deception and toxicity.

I stand with Dr. Casey Means and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and am ready to “Make America Healthy Again!”

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Sandra Ervin is a Hayden resident.