Wednesday, October 09, 2024

FIRE LEVY: How much does the grant affect the bottom line?

| October 9, 2024 1:00 AM

My November 2024 Absentee Ballot is in the mail to me. One item on that will be a two-year override levy for the Northern Lakes Fire District. The Lucky 13 article mentions that a grant expires in March of 2026 but does not state an amount nor over what period the funds were spread. That makes it difficult to decipher whether that expiring grant covered expenses beyond those covered by the current levy rate of $62/$100,000 of taxable assessed value. If the grant did do that then the comparison of $62 to $94 has a negative impact on voters’ decision making. If grant funds were to be added to those provided by the current levy rate, might the per home rate be more similar to the proposed rate? From the opposite end of the equation, will a no vote drastically reduce the protection our homes are now provided with the aid of the grant?


Hayden Lake