Sunday, October 27, 2024

ENDORSEMENT: Vote for Durbin

| October 4, 2024 1:00 AM

For longer than I can remember, there has been a popular saying among people raised in our area: Don’t California my Idaho. It basically means keep Idaho great by not letting it become California via adopting their ideas and the problems that come with them. The phrase is currently being used by many Republican candidates and legislators to show how bad Idaho might become if we behaved the same way as our neighbors to the south and west of us.

It’s very popular when used as a reference to oppose Prop 1, abortion rights, federal lands vs. state lands, and border security. 

So why would we want to elect William Lyons to the NIC Board of Trustees? Per his KCRCC vetting documents, he moved here five years ago from Temecula, Calif., after retirement. This candidate is an out of state transplant with zero affiliation to NIC. He never attended NIC; he has no family members that have attended NIC and has not attended any NIC Board meetings to the best of my knowledge. He doesn’t own a local business that would require NIC talent to work there. He has no ties to the school.

He’s not qualified for the position and has zero reasons to see it succeed.

Please send William “Bill from Temecula” Lyons and his radical California ideas back to the AM dial and conservative talk radio where he belongs. 

Vote Rick Durbin, a committed local citizen who attended NIC, moved on to the University of Idaho and used that education to elevate himself and others through his business. A true local success story, Rick will work with other like-minded people on the board to ensure NIC is successful for decades to come.


Coeur d’Alene