Friday, October 04, 2024


| October 4, 2024 1:00 AM

INRE Opinion/My Turn column, Aug. 26, Deborah Rose. Another sad hit piece against American Christians under the guise of exposing “Christian Nationalism,” Democrat’s/Socialist’s latest talking point. ...” If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you.”... John 18:20. Every American has values/a world view which they live by. Those of Christians are Biblically based. Voting for public office candidates, propositions, laws, etc. who/which will most closely govern according to the laws, precepts, judgements, and commandments — the values — of the Bible is no different than those of other faiths, atheists, secularists, and humanists voting their worldly values. Claiming that this is theocratic or “forcing beliefs on/controlling others” is a perversion, or ignorance, of our representative democracy (Republic) and majority rule governmental system. Examples of genuine theocracies to be repulsed by are Iran, Afghanistan, and Saudi Arabia. Ms. Rose claims that America was not founded on Christian/Biblical principles. I would refer her, and anyone agreeing, to “The American Story” by David and Tim Barton. They clearly articulate just the opposite, using copious quotes, examples, and references. She also claims to be an authority on the tenants of Christianity, what we should do, say, and believe in. Scolding Christians with her (a non believer, I’m going to assume) interpretation/selective quoting of scripture is another technique used these days by those who would just as soon see us imprisoned (and are doing so), as they claim we want to do to them. The constitution would need to be amended, (purposely made difficult to do by it’s framers) for a theocracy to exist here. Christian Nationalism is a hoax.


Coeur d’Alene