Thursday, October 03, 2024

MY TURN: Democratic Party no longer the same

by J.W. VANCE/Guest Opinion
| October 3, 2024 1:00 AM

Mr. Koch's and Mr. Jones' opinions Wednesday, Sept. 13, were both their normal regarding the GOP.

If some Democrats want to vote Democrat that is fine with me. I am sure some Republicans feel as you do. I am not that happy with some of Idaho's GOP's ways either, and of course a Republican.

Most of your rhetoric is about Idaho GOP. What would be best for Idaho's future and best for the nation?

Vote Democrat for those who stay in their states and Republican for all that are going to Washington, D.C.

Why not stop worrying about our state and look at the state of our nation? The elite with all the money, Oprah, corporations, etc. Have little to worry about — they think.

What has the Democrat Party done to this country, just short of four years? It's shown to you every day, the bad list is way too long to keep repeating.

Betty Stone, Coeur d'Alene Press on Sunday, "I am grateful to be a Democrat, a party of abiding faith." Dear Betty, it isn't the same party we have been voting for the past century! All those you mentioned that gave so much to our country and all those that came before have to be in great sorrow.

In my almost 90 years, I've voted for Democrats for president and Republicans. Start looking backward starting with Biden. A few prior, some socialism, reputation of an alley cat, etc. Some can be said about a few Republicans also, not perfect, but didn't want to turn our country into a communist controlled freedom lost America.

The United States of America will not survive four more years if we continue to allow our government to be a corrupted communist party driven by Democrat politics.

The Democrat Party started out January 2021, day one in office to destroy the reputation of the United States. Reduce oil production requiring us to buy more oil from other countries, open borders to illegals, increase our debt to trillions, withdrawal from Afghanistan, agreeing to open Putin's pipeline to Europe, Iran's increasing their nuclear program and it just goes on. We have lost the respect of most nations, no longer a leader in world peace. We are now believed to be a weak, poorly governed country by those countries who wish to control the world. Some think we are starting to look like a banana republic.

Before anyone votes they need to think what kind of world they want their young children and family to live in. You have to be aware of the damage that this administration's done to us — every aspect in our lives, and no regretting or apology. It's always someone else. So now the Democrats come up with a candidate for president which likely would be much worse than now. The Democrat candidate hasn't served this country any way near the people's needs, or this country's. Has had rare interviews and mostly TV or rallies. No interviews with the press at all with major questions asked and answered. It's almost beyond imagination seeing this candidate meeting in another country with Putin or Xi Jinping.

We have had hard times in our country in past years. But that was to defend other countries' freedom. Now, it's time to defend our own country's freedom before it's too late.

If the candidate will not tell you what they stand for so you clearly understand — they will be as they were years before — way behind the last four years.

Please give your children a chance to live and grow in a democracy like I have, I pray they will also.

God bless.

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J.W. Vance is a Coeur d'Alene resident.