Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Post Falls creates IT director position, hires Kirby for position

Staff Writer | October 2, 2024 1:08 AM

POST FALLS — On the same day the email system went down for the city's government, a new IT director position was created.  

During the City Council meeting Tuesday night, a position overseeing all IT functions was approved with Mike Kirby appointed to the position.   

Kirby has been working at City Hall for 25 years. Following the meeting, he said he’s ready to take on the job.  

“I do whatever the city needs me to do,” Kirby said.  

The city had previously maintained two separate IT divisions, one for City Hall and one for the police department. 

City administrator Shelly Enderud said the merging of the two divisions would allow for more of a voice in shaping city policy while streamlining IT operations and ensuring a higher level of cybersecurity.  

The vote to create the director position passed unanimously, but during the vote to appoint Kirby, Councilor Samantha Steigleder stopped the rollcall to comment. 

She thanked Kirby for his presentation during a city workshop, but said she had to vote 'no' because she hadn’t received a bio with Kirby’s work background prior to the meeting.  

All other votes were in favor of Kirby for the position. 

    City Councilors Samantha Steigleder, Josh Walker, Joe Malloy, Nathan Ziegler, Randy Westlund and Kenny Shove at Tuesday's City Council meeting.
    City administrator Shelly Enderud speaks during the Post Falls City Council meeting Tuesday night.