Wednesday, October 02, 2024

ENDORSEMENT: Vote for Havercroft

| October 2, 2024 1:00 AM

“It’s just common sense” is a phrase that KCRCC chairman Brent Regan often touts. And I have to say, this time I agree with him. It’s just common sense for me to vote for Mary Havercroft for NIC board instead of Michael Angiletta. Let’s compare the two candidates. Mary has lived in North Idaho since 1980, David moved here just a couple years ago, so obviously she understands the community better. Mary’s extensive experience as a classroom teacher, director of Special Services and as a building principal in the Lakeland School district have equipped her with skills necessary for the position.

She has successfully managed large budgets, and overseen federal funds and grants with conservative financial management. Michael lists no experience with large public budgets, grants and federal funding. Mary has served on statewide accreditation teams and understands the process, Angiletta has no experience in this area.

NIC is currently on probation and facing a possible loss of accreditation due to current board actions. Having someone with experience in this area will be critical in helping NIC navigate its way out of the current mess created by KCRCC endorsed candidates. Speaking of endorsements, did you know that Angiletta was handing out campaign fliers touting himself as the KCRCC endorsed candidate at the meeting BEFORE the rating and vetting vote had even occurred? This speaks to his character as a human, and to the rigged process of the rating and vetting system for KCRCC. Besides, the NIC board is supposed to be a non-partisan election. Mary chose to honor this position by NOT participating in the rating and vetting process. I’m voting for Mary Havercroft for the NIC board, it’s just common sense!

