Sunday, December 22, 2024

COW PROBLEM: Idaho should pay its fair share

| November 15, 2024 1:00 AM

In Governor Little’s address at the Hagadone Event Center, he referred to Idaho’s COW (California/Oregon/Washington) problem. I’m not sure what problem he’s referring to. Idaho already receives (far) more Federal Funding than it pays in taxes, while CA/OR/WA all pay more in taxes than they receive. Those godless commies in Sacramento, Salem, and Olympia, are subsidizing ID and nearly all of the other “red” states. Do you think that Idaho pays the cost of fighting its own wildfires?

But there’s more. Idaho, like some other states, has made it nearly impossible for women to get abortions — so WA and OR are stepping up to provide a necessary service that ID will not. In fact, Idaho’s pregnant women who do *not* seek abortion also suffer, because Idaho has been hemorrhaging ObGyn docs at a rate which endangers all ID women of child-bearing age. And, of course, Idaho doesn’t have a medical school, and has to import its doctors from Washington’s two medical schools, as do Wyoming, Montana and Alaska — all Red states. You may recall that Idaho exported COVID patients to WA and OR because ID didn’t have enough hospital beds (or respirators) to treat its own freedom-loving residents.

The godless commies in the COW states have built their houses of brick rather than straw, while the noble men of Idaho brag about how free they are. But you have to admit that it’s nice to have “small s” socialists next door when you need them.


Otis Orchards, Wash.