Sunday, December 22, 2024

PRAYER: Without you, there is no me

| November 13, 2024 1:00 AM

I would like to share my prayer in hopes that perhaps others will do the same for the good of “Letters to the Editor.” Here is my prayer.

Father-Mother, Birther, Creation itself, Lover of, in, with and through all, thank you for my life. All that I am, all that I have, all that I do is gift from you. Without you, there is no me. Make me what you want me to be, a channel, not a source, for your peace, your hope, your kindness and your wisdom. Forgive me when I fail you, for as Jesus said from the cross, they and I truly do not know what we are doing. Teach me your ways; walk me in your paths; grant that I may learn to love you and all your creation; then do with me what you want.

