Thursday, December 26, 2024

ENDORSEMENT: Vote for Knudtsen, Durbin, Havercroft

| November 1, 2024 1:00 AM

An article by NIC trustee Mike Waggoner freely expressed the problem with the majority of the NIC board. I doubt he realized it. Early in his spiel, he used the word “conservative”. He repeated it several more times in his diatribe, so apparently, he feels that’s important. Why? I lean conservative, but that’s irrelevant here. The topic at hand is a “school”. Has that been the problem with trustees these past years…politics? I thought it was incompetence, still think so. 

Waggoner claims the trustees boast of a renaissance. Really? As John McEnroe, a storied tennis player used to say, “you can’t be serious”! If this is Waggoner’s renaissance, I’d hate to see his doomsday. This renaissance wasted millions of taxpayer dollars, waged (and lost) legal battles, fired and belittled people for no reason, earned numerous “no confidence” votes, etc. How can this possibly be construed as a renaissance? Clearly, the accreditation board disagrees.  

I don’t know if Waggoner believes what he’s peddling or if he’s gaslighting the public for the election. He claims that 20 issues presented by the accrediting body were addressed by the board. Maybe so, but the board created those issues, so it’s responsible for correcting them. Make no mistake, the majority of the NIC trustees have put the college on the brink of losing accreditation. That’s a disaster, not a renaissance. We’ve seen the damage that KCRCC conservatives can do; now it’s time to see what Knudtsen, Durbin and Havercroft can do. I don’t care if they are conservatives or liberals. I just want to see competence. Leave politics out of it!   

