Saturday, September 28, 2024

Paige Marie Coon, 12

| May 31, 2024 1:00 AM

It is with the deepest pain we inform those close to us that our dear Paige has finished her journey. We are thankful most will never experience the pain of outliving one of their own children. We consider ourselves fortunate to have had such an amazing tribe of support over the course of this difficult process.  

Those of you who knew Paige were blessed by her warm and gentle spirit in spite of her relentless challenges. Words escape us when trying to describe this gift God bestowed upon us. We see her time in our lives, however brief, as a graceful demonstration of God’s providence. While Paige’s life was a struggle from day one, the impact she had in shaping our lives and the lives of countless others who have prayed so diligently for her displayed a level of God’s magnificence and unconditional love that can’t begin to be put into words.

As we move forward and begin to heal, we are encouraged by all God has taught us through the means of this beautiful and fragile little life. We can’t emphasize enough that while what was close to 13 years of Paige’s life can only be described as nothing short of traumatic, we personally see a grand display of God’s sovereignty, which has left us forever changed for the better.  

It is our sincere hope moving forward that our lives will display the glories and excellencies of Christ and what He has intended to teach us through the instrument of this meek little life. We can only see through the retrospect of her challenges that her abundant joy was a testament to marvel at and be drawn closer to our reigning God and King.

Goodbye, our sweet baby Paige. You came to us broken, and it’s only after you’ve left that we realize it was us who were broken and in need of mending. You have blessed our lives beyond measure. We now commit you to the loving care of our Heavenly Father.

Paige is survived by her mother, Alex, father Jarod, sisters 2-year-old Hunter and newborn Ronin, in addition to many family members, all of whom loved her dearly.

Contributions in Paige’s name may be made to Hospice House of North Idaho, 2290 W. Prairie, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815, 208-772-7994.