Saturday, September 07, 2024

Family Promise lands $15K grant

| May 30, 2024 1:00 AM

COEUR d'ALENE — Family Promise of North Idaho was recently awarded a $15,000 grant from Clayton and Family Promise National.

Officials said the funds will help ensure families in North Idaho receive the support they need to remain safely housed.

"Keeping families housed has given them the opportunity to pursue their dreams through education and better paying employment," said Cindy Wood, Family Promise executive director. "Families we have helped took the opportunity to do something different, something better.” 

The grant is a portion of the $1.3 million that Clayton and Family Promise National are dispersing to the Family Promise network nationwide. The funds are a result of the recently announced partnership extension between Family Promise and Clayton. 

"A Future Begins at Home" is a program that arose from the collaboration and focuses on helping families who face homelessness remain in their homes and regain stability. 

Since its inception in 2019, A Future Begins at Home has served more than 25,000 families, according to a press release.

Clayton has also donated 16 homes to the Family Promise network since 2019 that are used primarily as transitional housing for families working with Family Promise.