Tuesday, July 02, 2024

PRIMARIES: Opening doors to Democrats

| May 29, 2024 1:00 AM

Re: My Turn, Tom Sanner, May 23, “Why primary initiative is right for Idaho,” Local, p.1.

Mr. Sanner is correct: The open primary IS right for Idaho IF the objective and goal is to give the Democrats a prayer of turning elections, and therefore politics, in Idaho indigo BLUE. Plain and simple, the odds of the left gaining any real traction in Idaho beyond the 30%-70% they now hold is near zero, without open primaries and elections. 

However, if they can put up quality people as candidates, unidentified by party, the left can start tilting the boat in Idaho politics. Of course, the contest in an open primary is as level a playing field as the interest groups choose to make it. And count on it, mud WILL be the first thing thrown in campaigning in an open primary, and, therefore, in an open general election.

