Friday, June 28, 2024

MY TURN: Actions, statements show contradictions about CLN

by THERESA BIRKETT/Guest Opinion
| May 29, 2024 1:00 AM

Dear Ms. Ottosen,

I am writing this open letter in response to your "My Turn" column published May 10. I would like to address several statements you made regarding your role and the issues surrounding the Community Library Network.

Issue One: Culture War Allegations

You stated that you are not promoting a culture war within the CLN. However, the onset of culture wars within the CLN coincided with your joining the board. Before your tenure, the CLN was free from such divisive conflicts. What prompted you to run for the board? Did you decide to run because, like a lemming, you jumped on the book-banning bandwagon that has gained traction in places like Florida? Did you have concrete evidence of pornography in the children's sections of our libraries, or were you following the dictates of groups like Clean Books 4 Kids without question?

The situation in Boundary County, where Clean Books 4 Kids challenged 400 books and forced the resignation of the library director only to find that none of those titles were in the system, is a prime example of how propaganda can mislead and cause undue harm. It is evident that, with the election of Trustees Hanley and Plass, culture wars have taken center stage at the CLN, resulting in chaos.

Your use of terms such as “leftist propaganda,” “wicked woke rule” and accusations that the CLN had an “anti-moral, anti-family, and anti-American agenda” clearly illustrates a culture war narrative. These terms are the very language of culture wars, yet you deny having an agenda. This contradiction needs to be addressed.

Issue Two: Association with the KCRCC

You assert that you are not a Kootenai County Republican Central Committee candidate. However, you were one of their "rated and vetted," nonpartisan-endorsed candidates, indicating your alignment with their principles and platform. You expressed pride in the committee's support, as noted in the Spokesman-Review on May 8, 2021. This association suggests a level of partisanship that contradicts your claims of non-affiliation.

Issue Three: Criticism of the Cd'A Press

You have labeled the Coeur d'Alene Press as biased and dishonest, suggesting that it should be disregarded. Yet, the irony is palpable given that the Cd'A Press published your column. Should readers then disregard your column because it appears in a publication you have disparaged as "Trash Press" and "Pravda?" Furthermore, you accuse the Cd'A Press of using "slanted informatory language," but your own column employs similarly loaded language, which undermines your position.

Issue Four: Recognition of CLN Achievements

You claim that the "dishonest and biased" Cd'A Press never highlights the achievements of the CLN. Interestingly, you had an opportunity in your column to spotlight these achievements but chose instead to focus on attacks. This raises the question: Could it be that you did not mention any achievements because there were none to name?

In conclusion, your actions and statements suggest a contradiction in your stance on promoting a culture war, your association with the KCRCC, and your criticism of the Cd'A Press. It is crucial for the leadership of the CLN to foster an environment of unity and focus on the library's mission rather than engaging in divisive rhetoric.

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Theresa Birkett is a Post Falls resident.