Saturday, September 28, 2024

VETERANS PRESS: Hey veterans, did you know…

| May 28, 2024 1:00 AM

Hey veterans, did you know that the Coeur d’Alene clinic (CBOC) and Spokane VA Medical Center have Physical Therapists (PT) and Occupational Therapists (OT)?

Comments from  veteran Jean Bledsoe of Post Falls who was using the VA medical for PT:

“I am a retired RN and knew a little about both, but I really didn’t understand the full scope of what they could do to improve my life. I was referred to a PT, and as she watched me painfully walk down the hall, she immediately gave me a new rolling walker with a seat and basket. She evaluated my spinal condition, came up with a plan, gave me some simple exercises along with some equipment, and said I needed OT in addition to PT and ordered it immediately. 

The OT evaluated my condition and concentrated on specific simple tasks that I was having difficulty performing with my hands. Like holding silverware, picking up small items, buttoning my clothes, tying my shoes, using a knife…all because of the loss of strength, feeling and flexibility in my hands. I was treated with ultrasound and paraffin wax.

Each week I would see both the PT and OT where they reevaluated my progress and gave me additional exercises and things to help with my rehabilitation and to make my life easier. Eventually it was determined that I would need to see the hand surgeon at the VA and they set all of that in motion. 

I talked with the OT team, who told me about helping stroke patients and amputees, and patients with chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease. Assessing their needs and their home environment and providing devices, equipment, and education to enable them to lead safer, more independent lives to the best of their abilities. They mentioned the work OTs do with clients with PTSD and other mental health issues, and more.”

Is this a service you or someone you know might need? 

What do you need? The first thing is to be eligible to receive care at the VA. If you aren’t already in the system go to the North Idaho Resource Directory and select one of the Veteran Service Officers to help you. If you are already in the system, just ask your primary provider for a referral.

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Spokane Regional Veterans Service Center: 509-477-3690 

Kootenai County Veterans Service Benefits Office: 208-446-1092