Wednesday, June 26, 2024

INCIDENT: Reaction overblown, outrageous

| May 26, 2024 1:00 AM

From the Spokesman — Review: “As they were walking, two lifted pickups passed by and began to yell racial slurs at the nonwhite players as the drivers revved their engines, a police report filed by team donor Robert Moyer stated.

“Moyer used the words ‘hillbilly’ and ‘white trash’ to describe the people who directed the ‘N-word’ at the team.” 

All the national outrage, moral indignation, lynch mobs formed over a single hooligan yelling out the window of a car. 

No trucks filled with KKK wannabes, no flags, no torches, no nooses, no recordings, no video, just a man filing a mostly false report. 

Where is the outrage?


Moyie Springs