Friday, July 26, 2024

CDA: Dystopian picture off base

| May 24, 2024 1:00 AM

In reading K. Buechner’s post in Sunday’s Coeur d’Alene Press, I felt almost depressed at the picture that was painted of the current state of Coeur d’Alene, the activities available, and the businesses that were named.

As an Idaho native of 60+ years, I, too, have seen the ups and downs of our fair city. Our area has many more activities for all ages than K. Buechner’s dystopian picture portrayed. Our city’s park & rec departments, Kroc Center, and numerous church and civic groups all have a plethora of fun and rewarding activities. Let’s not forget the theater groups, pickleball and skate parks, and sports (both indoor and outdoor) that are available to all. 

And the Silver Lake Mall? My hat is off to the current owners who have revitalized the mall from the ghost ship it was just a few years ago to a thriving mall. I often walk at the mall during bad weather (with my dog, who is welcome), and there are always people shopping and eating at the food court. Area businesses are booming! Nils Rosdahl’s weekly column highlights new businesses, and often, there are waiting lists for available space for most of our commercial buildings. 

Overall, I believe that we are in a good place with an equal balance of new and existing businesses to support the growing population. If the only activities available were the ones mentioned (bars, hiking, mudding, hunting), I too would be bored. But our area has so much more to offer than that. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be growing as fast as we are.”

