Saturday, September 07, 2024

Serving the voters; observe, don't celebrate

| May 22, 2024 1:00 AM

Each election year, this column is filed on Tuesdays, long before the polls close at 8 p.m. So, while I can’t do in print the Wednesday morning quarterbacking that’s taking place around watercoolers and over coffee this morning, I can shine a light on Kootenai County Clerk Jennifer Locke. As clerk, she has one of the most diverse roles of all elected officials in the county. She’s Chief Elections Officer, Auditor, Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, Clerk of the District Court and Recorder.

In recent weeks I had occasion multiple times to access the Kootenai County Elections website and found it to be not only user-friendly but filled with information the public is seeking. Jennifer is very responsive, as are those in her employ.

I’m an election-day voter by preference and habit, but last week, I voted in advance at the elections office on Third Street. As I made my way to the polling table I noticed a bit of a line for information. One of the people patiently and knowledgeably answering voters’ questions was the Kootenai County Clerk herself, Jennifer.

So kudos to Clerk Locke for being a great example of dedication to the public she serves and to everyone who cast a ballot in this election.

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As we head into the first three-day weekend of the upcoming summer season, it’s good to remember why Memorial Day is observed. Note: Memorial Day is observed, not celebrated. No Gold Star family wants to hear "Happy Memorial Day!" on a day meant to honor ultimate sacrifice.

According to the Dept. of Veterans Affairs, this is the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day: Memorial Day is a day for remembering and honoring military personnel who died in the service of their country, particularly those who died in battle or as a result of wounds sustained in battle. While those who died are also remembered, Veterans Day is the day set aside to thank and honor ALL those who served honorably in the military — in wartime or peacetime. In fact, Veterans Day is largely intended to thank living veterans for their service, to acknowledge that their contributions to our national security are appreciated, and to underscore the fact that all those who served have sacrificed and done their duty.

This weekend, veterans, scouts and citizens will show their respect for those who’ve given their last full measure of devotion while serving, with seemingly simple but meaningful acts. They will clean cemeteries and headstones, they will place wreaths along with hundreds of flags on headstones. They will attend and participate in color, honor and rifle guards. They will salute and sing the anthem of America and offer quiet prayers of gratitude and silent tears. But most importantly, they will remember the sacrifice.  

Take some time from the picnics and campouts to attend with your family one of many ceremonies being held in our communities on Monday.

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Happy Main Street birthday today to Kalil Barkie, Michelle Fehling Purcell, Fred Glisson, Ken Keast, Tasha Seath and Jonathan Larson. Tomorrow, Marlo Faulkner, John Webb, Margie McGaughey, Theresa Williams, Tom Morgan, Susan Ballinger, Joel Riner, April Needham, Steve Vick and Elaine Pandolfi blow out the candles. Richard Wilson, Shirley Galloway, Adam DeLuca, Amy Moffat and Michelle Pfennigs celebrate Friday. David Atwood, Jessie Morrow, Lori Moreland, Paul Finman, Toni Schelske, Dick Haugen, Joyce Harwood, Kasey Short, Debbi Long, Brad Cederblom, Sara Houser, Justin Jaworski and Char Carstensen mark another year Saturday. On Sunday, Matt Roetter, Bill Jones, Fairel Wideen, Jessica Lenz, Dorothy Montgomery, Kim Grout and Rob Brickett take another trip around the sun. Valleda Woodhall (90!), Myrl Halliday, Kenny Gabriel, Nancy Herold (60!) and Corey Wideen will be feted on Memorial Day. Shirlee Wandrocke, Michele Heuer, Tyson Bell, Scott Shellman, Barbara Jordan, Dane Dugan, Donnie Shuck, John Caylor, Melissa Feusier, Vance Ackley and Judy Padilla share a May 28 birthday.

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Kerri Rankin Thoreson is a member of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists and the former publisher of the Post Falls Tribune. Main Street appears every Wednesday in The Press. Find Kerri on Facebook or via email