Friday, July 26, 2024

CAMPAIGN: Lamenting all the lies

| May 22, 2024 1:00 AM

I am fed up with all the smear and outright lies being propagated by the current KCRCC and its minions in our beautiful North Idaho! The latest being a large ad placed in the Coeur d’Alene Press paid for by one Monica Mohn.

In it she/it accused, no falsely stated ­— that North Idaho Republican candidates are Democratic party supporters, endorse pornography in our libraries for minors, and much more. Basically name calling and mudslinging. She/It offered no factual data to support the lies. 

How sad it is that this “group” of inadequate, malicious, and ugly politicians and their entourage had nothing else to prop up their campaign but by spewing out such outrageous garbage! 

Every North Idaho Republican that I personally know, including my husband, are dedicated, staunch conservative Republicans dedicated to their communities. Many are born and raised in our beautiful state, and all have become disheartened by the takeover of the Libertarians and John Birch Society members in the KCRCC. Their vetting and rating system has brought our gem on the lake, NIC, to its knees and is now on the brink of destruction. Our library system is in a shambles and our county assessor’s office a wreck. 

Did the ad, paid for by Ms. Mohn, address any of these issues? NO! Not once! Instead, it spewed lie after lie to smear the NIR candidates. What a bunch of bull! 

