Friday, July 26, 2024

AD: Didn’t let facts get in the way

| May 22, 2024 1:00 AM

I appreciate that Monica Mohn was able to afford the half-page ad in the Opinion section of the paper. She might have been better off reading the editorial regarding the two opponents running for the same precinct position. 

Making assumptions that the folks running for precinct positions other than the KCRRC folks are for Pride in the Park, Drag shows, sexually explicit material, Democrats etc., is a pretty big assumption! Wanting their power back, what power? Look at your own KCRCC! 

 Most folks who ran for these positions are caring, longstanding Idahoans with no other agenda than doing what is right by ALL citizens. Also, believe it or not, all citizens in our community may not be Christian but Jewish, Muslim, or have some other view on spiritual ideas or the traditional family as some in the KCRCC would describe. 

Her description of a PC was great but I’ve been in Kootenai County for 10 years and have yet to hear from or know who my PC is or was. The majority of those supported by the NIR are longtime Idahoans and have listed their qualifications and contributions to our community. Have those others running done the same — if so where? 

I happen to be Christian and formerly a traditional family now widowed so I don’t count in the eyes of some KCRCC folks. Please everyone, have facts before making accusations or assumptions. 

